Bunchursa sna Meain

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Bunchúrsa ar na Meáin Sóisialta
dhá reáchtáil ag Comhar na nOileán ar fud na tíre

An duine nó gnó ar oileán tú a theastaíonn uait do chaidreamh le do chustaimeirí a fheabhsú agus feasacht ar do ghnó a chruthú trí úsáid uirlisí na meáin sóisialta?
Cén teachtaireacht atá tú ag iarraidh a chur trasna?
Cá bhfuil do mhargadh?
Cén árdán is fearr a d’fheilfeadh duit?
Céard iad na h-uirlísí is fearr le n-úsáid?
Tá spásanna teoranta agus caithfear spás a chur in áirithe don chúrsa roimh ré!

Introduction to Social Media
Comhar na nOileán are hosting a social media course nationwide

Are you an island-based business owner or operator seeking to engage with customers and create awareness of your business using the tools of social media?
What do you want to be known for?
What is your unique story?
Public – Whom do you want to know about you?
Platforms – what media will best suit your message and your target audience?
What tools to use?
Limited Spaces Available and Pre-Booking is a requisite!